
What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the use of ultra-fine single-use needles which are inserted in a precise way at specific points of the body. There are thousands of acupoints on the body, with over 360 being commonly used. Each has its own specific function. Depending on the desired effect, different techniques can be used to either stimulate, sedate, or regulate the flow of qi. Acupuncture promotes natural healing. It can enhance immunity, support physical and emotional health, and improve overall function and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of health. During the initial exam a full health history is taken. Questions are asked regarding health, symptoms and lifestyle. An appropriate physical exam is conducted, including pulse and tongue diagnosis. Gathering this information enables the practitioner to effectively diagnose and detect any specific imbalances that may have contributed to a person’s health problems. The practitioner can then create a personalized treatment plan.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

A centuries old practice, cosmetic acupuncture is a gentle, effective, and safe way to combat the signs of aging and erase years from your face without the risk or downtime of surgery or injections. Acupuncture offers many benefits to those who want to revitalize the look and feel of their skin. It builds collagen, tones muscles, improves circulation, and stimulates blood flow with no risk of scars, infections, rashes, or toxic build-up of chemicals. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is much more than a cosmetic procedure. Acupuncture changes the energy flow within the body and initiates the process for constitutional rejuvenation. If energy is not flowing freely throughout your body then your organs, muscles and lymphatic system cannot function properly, which can contribute to puffiness, bags and premature aging.

Chinese medicine is based on the principle that health is manifested from the inside out. Using this Holistic approach, not only do your frown lines disappear, you feel better overall, sleep better, have more energy and better digestion. As you age, the 57 muscles in your face gradually lose their tone and mass. Loss of tone and mass causes the sagging, deep wrinkling and tired look associated with aging. Acupuncture stimulates the muscle function, and the face lifts itself via the acupuncture points. Thus, returning the face to a healthier, revitalized, youthful appearance. Hair thin needles are placed in the outside of the ear to induce relaxation, and body points are used which correspond the individual’s specific needs. There is a sense of wellbeing as a flood of endorphins is released throughout the body. Once you are in a state of deep relaxation, needles are placed on the face in acupuncture points as well as wrinkles. The needles placed in the wrinkles create a micro trauma, which causes collagen to be produced.

  • Erase fine lines, deeper wrinkles diminished
  • Lift sagging eye lids, reduce bags/circles
  • Firm jowls and minimize double chin
  • Improve muscle tone and increase collagen production
  • Eliminate puffiness by improving metabolism and eliminating excess fluids
  • Improve hormonal balance, benefits acne
  • Increase circulation of blood and lymph to the face and improves facial color
  • Moisturize the skin and tighten pores
  • Significantly reduce the appearance of scars and age spots
  • Slow the aging process from within
  • Reduce stress evident in the face
  • Promote overall health and well being

Nutritional Counseling

At Muskego Health & Wellness we are proud to provide Functional Medicine, as part of our services, complemented by nutrition counseling, rooted in the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). By combining the diagnostics tools of Functional Medicine-such as laboratory testing and comprehensive health history evaluations- with TCM’s focus on dietary therapy based on patterns of disharmony, we address health concerns from a truly integrative perspective.

Our customized treatment plans incorporate lifestyle modifications, tailored nutritional counseling supplements, herbal medicine, and stress management techniques. This comprehensive approach empowers you to achieve balance and lasting wellness from the inside out.

Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is an essential part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  For centuries, the Chinese have used the natural properties in herbal supplements to treat disease. Herbs are combined into specific formulas that will be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment to improve your health. Instead of the use of only single-herb in the treatment, Chinese Medicine typically individualizes multi-herbal formulation; these different herbs have been found to work together to have synergistic effects in order to potentiate the healing of the individual. By using these prescribed herbs at home, you will be increasing the effectiveness of treatments performed in the clinic. Individualized formulations are a critical and effective part to successful treatment. When used properly, herbal medicine is virtually free of side effects. When herbal products are given to a patient who is also using conventional medications, herb-drug interactions will be checked carefully to avoid any significant interactions.


Gua sha is an ancient technique that can be used to relieve acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain, improve circulation and reduce inflammation, support the immune system and address upper respiratory illnesses, and release tension in areas where there is restricted movement. It can even be used for beautifying techniques like de-puffing and lifting skin.

Ear Seeds

An ear seed is a very small bead, or seed that sticks to the surface of our ear and is held in place with a small piece of tape. Ear seed acupressure is a form of acupuncture ear therapy. Ear seeds are used instead of needles and applied to specific acupuncture points on the ear to provide relaxation, reduce stress and more. 


Moxibustion or Moxa is a traditional Chinese Medicine treatment that uses the heat generated by burning herbal preparations containing Artemisia vulgaris or Ai Ye and bringing it close to the skin to stimulate and warm acupuncture points.

Moxa has a warm property and according to the principles of Chinese medicine, is said to penetrate to the channel level, promote circulation of qi and blood in the channels, and to move qi and blood stasis. While moxibustion can be used as an independent modality, it is commonly combined with acupuncture to enhance its therapeutic effect. Moxa is commonly used for the treatment of pain, menstrual cramping, infertility, threatened miscarriage, breech pregnancies, digestion issues, immunity issues, common colds, and cough and asthma.